Photo taken by laptop camera, Hilton Hotel, Hampton Roads, during the Virginia Association of School Librarians 2012 conference, where Lana Krumwiede and I gave talks titled “Opening Worlds,” on how speculative fiction can inspire children to use their minds and imaginations for dealing with reality.
It was the last day; I was packed and ready to check out. An idea came to me for a picture book about a cloud. An end-of-the-day kind of book, good for bedtime, when dreaminess and wonder play with what the mind knows as reality. The idea ran quickly to another, and another, another, arriving, through the years, at a current series of seven, each one related to something glorious in nature that comes into our everyday lives (the moon, a star, the wind ...) with a STEAM-based glossary.
Thanks to a cloud that came into my room.
[Future post (fingers crossed) ... If a Contract Lands in Your Hands]